The spring edition of Globalia’s Newsletter comes with all the news about our Annual Meeting held in Abu Dhabi along with many other news bits from the network and the sector
We are happy to bring to your attention that the spring edition of Globalia’s quarterly newsletter is now published and available for viewing. In this newsletter, you’ll find all the relevant information regarding our last Annual Meeting along with the pictures of the highlights of our meeting. We have also published an interview with Antonio Torres where he talks about the importance of digitalization in the freight forwarding industry and explains the benefits of FreightViewer- Globalia’s upcoming instant quote generating tool.

Like always, you can find several important news from the sector, which will surely keep you updated with the goings-on in the industry. We hope the pictures and news about the success of our last conference at Abu Dhabi will encourage all of you to join us for our next Annual Meeting, the date, and venue of which will soon be made available! In case you want to see your company’s news in our next newsletter then don’t forget to send us information about the latest achievements of your company.
Happy reading!